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Duvell 6 Limited Edition - 5/20

Duvell Limited Edition

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This beautiful Duvell is available from our exclusive Limited Edition Duvell run. This guitar features a Koa top on a Black Limba body, something you won't find anywhere else soon. Together with the beautiful and awesome playing neck from the Duvell Elite, this is really a stunning guitar! This was a run designed by me, I'm so happy with these guitars! This run was 10 6 string guitars and 10 7 string guitars. I have only 1 of each available.

This guitar comes with a hardcase, certificate, Mayones T-Shirt, custom strap and added case candy

For more pictures check my facebook album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.920283554695337.1073741985.149762801747420&type=1

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Duvell 6 Limited Edition - 5/20
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