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Welcome to Guitar Candy!

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About us, well, me

Guitar Candy is a small guitar shop that specializes in high quality (guitar) gear. Here you can try our fine selection of gear at ease, while enjoying a fresh cup of coffee or another drink. I've been a guitar player for over 30 years now and I've always been looking for special gear even before I started this shop. I don't have lots of brands here, I'd love to have a nice selection within a brand rather than just a few pieces of gear from lots of brands. The gear I have here is the gear I love and play. This way I can tell you lots of things about it as a fellow musician, not just a salesman.

And regarding the name, well, I'd like you to feel like a kid in a candy store, so come by, have a drink, enjoy some fine gear and most of all, take your time here! I hope to see you soon!

Thank you for shopping with us!

Take care & see you soon!


Guitar Candy